Pardoning mercy is specified, because in this divine grace is most magnified, and because in this divine grace is most magnified, and because it is this which opens the door to all other gifts of his divine grace, and because of this he had lately given a very pregnant proof. EXODUS CHAPTER S 19 TO 40 Exodus 34:1 THE TEXT OF EXODUS Exodus 34:1 The man who met God was unaware of his glory till others told him of it; by contrast, the people who had easily fallen into sin were afraid when they met one who appeared to them as a shining messenger from God (29-35; cf. "And the God of the Old Testament, is a God of wrath, and judgment, but I love the God of the New Testament who is forgiving, and gracious and kind." And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. A few words will suffice here before passing on. As no sacrifice was absent here, so we enjoy all the value of Christ and His work. Not an inference from the phenomena of nature. and the childrens children, to the third and the fourth generation.. WebExodus 34:7. I cannot understand it, don't ask me to explain it.Here is the place where I, as a devout Jew, though I am not a Jew, but as a devout Jew who's just comes to that place where he bows his head and says nothing, when I think of how God has placed such a high value on my life. (H8691) proclaimed H7121 (H8799) name Exodus 34:5 , EXODUS 34:29 It is an inexcusable error, however, to suppose that God will finally accommodate to human wickedness. "And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought Jehovah's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments. Though the first tables of the law had been given to Moses, they never and the feast of ingathering at the year's end. God does not stop here. It is of great interest to observe that the silver paid in by the children of Israel, a bekah or half shekel each, was applied to the production of the silver sockets of the veil, and the hooks of the columns. Exodus is designed for people who have never used an exchange. Because it has rabies, it's gonna die. The bells give their sound when the high priest goes in and when he comes out. But, argues Moses, for this very reason, we most of all want Jehovah's presence. So he would veil his face when he would go out and talk with the children of Israel, because he would have this shining on his face. And afterward all the children of Israel came near: and he gave them in commandment all that the Lord had spoken with him in mount Sinai. Afterwards He proclaims the greatness of His mercy and truth, and on these two supports the confidence of the pious is based, whilst they embrace the mercy offered to them, and securely repose on the faithfulness and certainty of the promises. CONTENTS: Second tables of the law. exodus 34:5 the lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the lord. God himself is the He will not undertake to unfold His Father's words to men in the millennium. PROCLAIMED THE NAME OF THE LORD, called out and explained the THIRD SECTION on high), that they also might be sanctified by the truth." WebExodus 34:5-8. That the terror of his greatness may not make us afraid, we are told how good he is; and, that we may not presume upon his goodness, we are told how great he is. It was necessary, therefore, that the people should know something definite about the Being to whom they were thus intimately related and whom they professed to serve. Exodus /. He descended in the cloud Probably He may justly do it, for all souls are his, and there is a malignity in sin that taints the blood. The utmost alacrity in answer to the call for material, useful and ornamental, common or costly, is shown by all. of your cattle, ox, sheep, all of the first born male. There was no such effect when it was merely the ten commandments or the ordinances connected with the people and the land; but after the communications of heavenly shadows and the mercy of God which intermixed itself with the law, Moses' face shines, and the people of Israel could not bear it. They left the ground of the grace of God, which they had in no wise appreciated. pillar, which was now gone up from the door of the tabernacle, and was In the last The sanctification here in question then applies from the start of an effectual inward work even before a soul knows pardon and peace, but there is also room for the practical power of the Holy Ghost in subsequent work in heart and conscience severing us more and more by the truth to the Lord. Gods boundless mercy is to sinful manLike to the ever wealthy ocean;Which, though it sends forth thousand streams, tis neerKnown, or else seen, to be the emptier.. At the same time the righteousness of the law is fulfilled so much the more in those that "walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.". Woes and wonders were their sublimest ideal of God.(3.) Aaron's sons were to have coats, priests' girdles, and bonnets for glory and for beauty. His relationship was with them as they then were, redeemed from Egypt by His power and brought to Himself indeed, but only after an outward sort, neither born of God, nor justified. He belonged to God automatically. Web34. All this was plain, but in the tabernacle we have more than this. It is no less a misfortune for the Christian, because what those in Christ are called to is neither law, nor the mingled system of law interspersed with the gracious care of those under it (who must have been consumed had law reigned alone), but pure grace in Christ without the law. Thus, though physically it is an impossibility, we are dealing with a God of miraculous power and God who can set aside certain laws of nature.Now I don't recommend that you try and go forty days and forty nights without water or food. Was there not comfort for any heart which confides in God, that He should take such a seat as this, and give it such a name, in relationship with a guilty people on the earth? The reason is that He would impress on His people that all His dealings, varied as they may be, are intended to keep before their minds that rest to which He was steadily working, and into which He means to bring His own in due time. But if it isn't there, then it'll go on and it passes from generation to generation.You'll find that in your psychology and in your sociological studies that the-that a person gets his role for parenthood from his parents. out like the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that Exodus 1 The Israelites Multiply in Egypt ( Genesis 46:727) 1 These are the names of the sons of Israel who went to Egypt with Jacob, each with his family: 2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah; 3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin; 4 Dan and Naphtali; Gad and Asher. Faith, hope, and charity abounded in the mediator; and if the people were to be blessed, from God he drew on every spring of the blessing for His own glory. Although a revelation of the Divine Being was necessary, yet one so full and gracious was surely the result of the beneficent condescension of God. In Exodus 28:1-43; Exodus 29:1-46 is given the prescribed ceremonial in consecrating the priesthood. [383] "The translation of V. is, Web5 Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord. Let him come unto me." The disciples feared, when they entered the cloud. He will not give up his love and desire for Israel. When Moses reached the top, it descended once more from the sky, and stood with him there. "[8] These, however, are not nearly so well defined as the six just listed. Is that the way in which Christ was most glorified? closely with the last section of the preceding chapter, and must be Scripture never sacrifices one truth to another. He describes the Christian in terms which at once recallExodus 24:1-18; Exodus 24:1-18. that pillar of cloud which had hitherto gone before Israel, and had This was the second proclamation. Everything has its beautiful and perfect answer in the word of God; but then all is useless to the soul, except just so far as one sees and receives the Lord Jesus Christ. When Moses ceased to commune with True, God is revealed there (Romans 1:20); but the key is wanted to decipher the hieroglyphics, and that key is the Scriptures which are given by inspiration of God.. 1. In fact we could not have the full image till Christ appeared and died on the cross and went to heaven. And so it always is No doubt there was large and rich blessing and of the most unexpected kind when God sent down the Holy Spirit here below, and His church was first seen. There, the sins of the parents being visited upon the children.Taking it from a sociological standpoint, and a psychological standpoint there are people today who are having a hard time making it in life because their parents were so totally messed up. Mercy extended to thousands of persons. Their conduct proved that His grace had not at all entered into their hearts. You cannot do that to a child without marking the child, without damaging the child psychologically, putting psychic scars upon that child's mind that's gonna be with him the rest of his life.Thank God for the power of the blood of Jesus Christ; it's the only thing that I know that can straighten up the mess that people's minds are in because of some of the stupid things their parents did. WebThat's the way Joel understood Exodus 34:57. It has brought saving joy to countless multitudes. For the soul the great change is a fact; it remains for the body when the Lord comes. Next came the table,* and upon it a defined supply of bread. For the presence of God with his people Israel in the wilderness: "I pray thee, go among us, for thy presence is all in all to our safety and success." manifestation of his glory. Thousands have found mercy; but there are stores for thousands yet.(2.) Such an one may be very ignorant, no doubt; but at any rate his heart is made up to obey the Lord his desire is Godward. And it came to pass, when Moses came down from the mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses knew not that the skin of his face was shining while he talked with him. Longsuffering, not good by spasm or effort, but patient and unwearied. But there is now an intimacy of acquaintance with the God and Father of the Lord Jesus which none on earth can ever know as a Christian ought to know it. Exo 33:18-19 _The Lord descended_ By some sensible token of his presence, and unto the first: and I will write upon the tables the words that were What can be more lovely, more according to Christ, than this? Nevertheless, the opposite meaning would not be inappropriate here, With cutting off He will not cut off; for this is sometimes the sense of the verb , nakah; and it would thus be read conneetedly, that God pardons iniquities because He does not wish entirely to cut off the human race; for who shall escape if God should choose to call to judgment the sins even of believers? The New Tables of the Law for the People prone to a Hierarchy. He is long-suffering. Then, after the priesthood has been fully brought before us, we have the various portions of their dress. 5 The Name of the Lord proclaimed. His joy in this discovery which God had made of himself, and his thankfulness for it. With this, people have a great difficulty with God because of His orders to wipe them out, to exterminate them. It is a fountain that ever flows and is never exhausted (Ephesians 3:16; Ephesians 3:21; Philippians 4:19). "Now it is sad that the sins of the parents are visited upon the children. Because what he is doing is psychologically destroying that daughter of his.There are so many of the young girls who come in with tremendous problems of adjusting to life because of the stupidity of their dads. This is pursued to the end of the chapter, and in a very interesting way. But if there be two separate objects in these types first, God displaying Himself to man; and, secondly, man in consequence drawing near to God the way of all is clear. There is no doubt that it is the goodness and mercy of God; but it is to a people still under the government of the law. on high in the air over the mount, and on which the Lord now de And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and They prepare the way for types which, instead of displaying God in Christ to man, set forth rather man drawing near by the appointed channel to God. To the sinner. (2.) Then trust that what He is now doing is for your good.iii. The Holy Ghost is the only power for rightly using, and applying, and enjoying the truth; and therefore He is called "the truth" no less than the Lord Jesus. Key Chapters (Ex 1214)The climax of the entire Old Testament is recorded in Exodus 1214: the salvation of Israel through blood (the Passover) and through power (the Red Sea). You see the first born son used to always be the priest of the house, he belonged to God. Six days shalt thou work, but the seventh day shall be a day of rest: even in the harvest time and in the earing time thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, [that is] the first of the wheat harvest ( Exodus 34:21-22 ). [God passed by and declared His name, declared His glory. That is so absolutely sick I can't even think of it. What a place for us, and for us now! Hence they have the imperfection of a shadow. on the first tables, which thou _AND THE LORD DESCENDED IN THE CLOUD, AND STOOD WITH HIM THERE, AND Was this nothing? Thus did this visible demonstration of Gods glory avail to awaken faith in the commandments. (381) Should ye be utterly unpunished? Art thou he, that shall altogether go unpunished? A. V. (382) Poole on Jeremiah 49:12, after quoting C.s translation, impune feres? adds, Since, however, this phrase is explained very differently by others, both Exodus 34:7, and Jeremiah 25:29, as well as these words, may be thus rendered: Thou therefore thyself shalt be utterly cut off., (383) The translation of V. is, Nullusque apud to per se innocens est.. "I will This we need, the application of the word of God by the Spirit to deal with every kind of impurity. What impression it made upon him: Moses made haste, and bowed his head,Exodus 34:8; Exodus 34:8. Hence we find, for instance, the righteousness of God in Romans. "And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant the Ten commandments.". into the Tent of Meeting (which is here presupposed): cf. (2 Corinthians 3:1-18) Hence we can understand the earthly, external, and temporal character of the legal economy. You know, that would be such a glorious thing if you had a religious nation. The understanding of this comes in the antithesis in the word "generation" at the end of Exodus 34:7. Jesus emphasized over and over, "unless you repent, you will likewise perish".People are troubled with the fact that it declares, "visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children to the third and the fourth generation." It is the type of Christ interceding for us, and along with this the high priest's work that the manifestation of the Spirit be not hindered. For instance, in the earlier half of Exodus, where we have God's dealings in grace, the Sabbath-day is brought in, marked out by the bread God provided for His people, the manna the figure of Christ come down from heaven to be the food of the hungry on earth: then followed the Sabbath at once. There are many young adults today that cannot even remember years of their childhood because their minds have blocked them out. And when Aaron and all of the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face was shining; and they were afraid to come near him. We are adopted sons; but then we are more than that. The coat of fine linen embroidered means personal righteousness in ways, set off with every beauty of grace. However, the Jews find in this same passage what they are pleased to call "The Thirteen Attributes of God. Now we know what these mean. The Matthew Henry' Commentary comments on this by saying: "Thus Moses, like a man of a truly public spirit, intercedes even for the children that should be born. Thus it will always be found in the long run. Exodus 33:15) that God would dwell in the midst of Israel and lead His people into the Promised Land (Exodus 34:9). You bet your life you would. It must not be of hewn stone, as their work would profane it; neither must the Israelite go up by steps, as thereby his nakedness would be manifested. It was no deduction of philosophy, no imposition of priestcraft, but the revelation of the Lord (Job 11:7; 1 Corinthians 1:21). Thus he who rejected every overture for his own advancement at the expense of the people now arms the Levites against their brethren. A remarkable provision is that the ephod of the high priest, which was the most important part of his costume, had the names of the children of Israel twice over. And there the solemn compact into which Israel had passed is renewed. They are made of iron; they are made of stone. Now there are people who try to say that there is a God of the Old Testament, and a God of the New Testament. Exodus 30:1-38; Exodus 30:1-38 resumes the account, for a reason already explained, of the various vessels of the sanctuary which had to follow the priesthood, and pursue the truth meant by it, namely, the means of access to God. In divine things there is nothing like simplicity; by it we enjoy a wisdom far higher than our own and real power to strengthen and guide the heart. His descending bespeaks his condescension; he humbles himself to take cognizance of those that humble themselves to walk with him. Jonah sees And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod and for the breastplate: and spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. But if I don't kill it, that mad dog can actually kill a lot of these beautiful, innocent little children. But what immediately follows must necessarily be referred to God, when He passed by, to cry out and to dignify Himself with His true titles. And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' hair. behold, I drive out before thee the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Hittite, Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite. And then they would take their babies and place them in the arms of Baal and allow them to be burned to death as they sacrificed unto this little idol. (Exodus 21:1-36; Exodus 22:1-31; Exodus 23:1-33) These points do not call for particular remarks. There is no other means of knowing the mind of God; the power for understanding is the Spirit of God; and the object in whose light alone it can be understood is Christ. Then the high priest alone was anointed; as we know Christ could be and was sealed of God the Father without blood, the Spirit thus attesting both the absolute purity of His person and the truth of His Sonship as man. proclaimed the name of Yah Exodus 34:5 , EXODUS 34:29 There is distance, even though they are called to this place of distinction. Exodus 25:22, Numbers 7:89. morning. (2) _S Moses was called again into the mount and the promised unveiling was You shall speak all that I command you. Nevertheless Moses persists in his plea with Jehovah, who does not fail to try him to the utmost by adopting the language of the people. Then Aaron is duly clothed; as in the priestly character Christ appears before God for us. The holiness of God is as a consuming fire to the guilty conscience; but within this light inaccessiblewithin this refulgent atmosphere of truth and sanctity, is a glory more intimate and essential still, the inmost perfection and divinest beauty of the Godhead. The proclamation of Jehovah (Exodus 34:5) They see actually two Gods, the God of the Old Testament, the God of the New.But in the Old Testament you will find very much concerning the character of God as far as His graciousness, as far as His mercy. Their relationship with the parents was just so off the wall that their minds just block out years of their childhood and they can't even tell you about areas of their childhood because the psychic wounds are so great that they just-they've had to build a wall and they just blocked it out. This was the second proclamation. First of all, the name of Jehovah is uttered twice by way of emphasis, in order that Moses might be rendered more attentive. Just as in the type the priests had not only to be washed completely in the laver in order to be consecrated; but whenever they entered into the presence of God, they washed their hands and feet. Is shown by all for the people prone to a Hierarchy is renewed comes out or effort, in... ; they are made of stone innocent little children the high priest goes in and he. Those that humble themselves to walk with him Exodus 29:1-46 is given the prescribed ceremonial consecrating! 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