So actually, the sloes are ready now if you live in the South, though well be getting more and more throughout the season. If the sauce is not thick enough for your liking, return it to a clean pan, bring to a boil and simmer for a minute or two to thicken. By continuing to use The deep, rich and fruity flavour of this homemade liqueur is a real treat. Please ask permission before using any images or recipes. I prefer the recipe below. I first heard about it when Rose blogged that her family made their own Damson Gin at the end of the Summer. margin-bottom: 0 !important; All rights reserved. Each day for a week, give the jar a good shake until all the sugar has dissolved, then put it in a cool, dark place and leave for 2-3 months. Place the damsons in a sterilised jar. Next, cut , WebThe cork needs to be squeezed into the neck of the bottle before the corker can be swung into action. Preview / Show more . } Many of them are delicious but they are often sold at premium prices. data about your visit. Combine sugar and water in a pot and bring to a boil. Sample the damson gin from your jar now and then, when you are happy with the result, strain through a muslin cloth and re-bottle the damson gin. Heat the oven to 220C/425F/gas mark 7. Your email address will not be published. During this ever-popular foraging course you'll discover the wild food secrets of Britains hedgerows, with a day of countryside foraging We would like to send you details about other River Cottage activities, events, information and products that we think you would be interested in. The flavour matures and improves over time. }); .synved-social-resolution-single { Tip into asieve and rub through with a wooden spoon to remove the stonesand skins. Sipsmith is what I usually find in the pub so I drink a fair bit, but Ive noticed recently that Gordons now do their own version which I think I must try, too. If you pick them sooner, eaten raw they will probably overwhelm you with tannic, cheek-hollowing sourness. Even the tame ones taste pretty wild, so Ipredict you will find them impossible to resist. Take a sanitised potato masher and begin to mash the damson to release the juices and break down their structure. Make sure you have sterilised your jar properly. Our plums, that are usually a bounty round about now, are all done, gone and looking a little sorry for themselves. Cut vanilla bean down the center and scrape out the innards. 9 hours ago Wash damsons well and discard any bad or bruised fruit. However, with the weather everything seems to have gone a little haywire this year. Close the lid and give it a good shake 3 Store in a cool dark place for 3 months. Such beautiful photographs. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; Hello and welcome to tastebotanical. Use a slotted spoon to remove the stones from the pan. If I add more sloes is that ok and do I need more sugar? Email to a , 2020-08-10 So if you want to make a delicious batch of home-brewed damson wine follow our recipe below. Tip the contents of the pan into a sieve and rub it through to remove the stones and skin, leaving you with a smooth damson pure. Photograph: Colin Campbell for the Guardian, f all the wild fruits that start to become available as summer segues into autumn, damsons are perhaps the easiest to love. Large plums are difficult to use for infusions because they tend to rot before they are permeated with sufficient sugar and alcohol to preserve them, and cutting plums in half will just make the drink cloudy. Then, still shake up the mixture, but only every week or so. All Rights Reserved. Store in ball jar in fridge for up to 1 month. Inspired by the Rhubarb Gin and Elderflower Gin that I made in the spring, I started to think about which autumn fruits might also make a good flavoured gin. Get a blender & our Healthy magazine with your subscription. I promise Make in successive, Ive had my AJ digital halogen oven model 686GD 1400w for about 10 years now, never had to replace the bulb, which is a good thing as I managed to bre. Full instructions, measurements and oven temperatures are given in the printable recipe card at the end of this post. An easy to follow recipe to make delicious homemade sloe gin and damson gin if the fruits are growing in hedgerows near you. Bottled raspberries. Wait for at least a year before drinking if you can. It occurred to me that they would make a good gin flavouring. .wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-item a.pinit-button { Alternatively, if you freeze them the skins will crack so poking the defrosted fruits wont be necessary. Using a funnel, add the sugar and top up with gin to the rim. Share on twitter. Pour the "cheese" into very lightly oiled shallow plastic containers and leave to cool and set. However, like so many tart fruits, once cooked and sweetened, they surrender the most wonderful, complex, deep flavour. Use up a seasonal glut of damsons in everything from preserves to puddings. Set the tin over a low heat, add theginger, garlic and chilli flakes, and cook, stirring, for two to three minutes. Damsons (or damson plums) are stone fruit that look like tiny plums. Some people strain the grog (through muslin/jelly bag) after 3 months and bottle it, leaving it mature for six months. html:not( .jetpack-lazy-images-js-enabled ):not( .js ) .jetpack-lazy-image { Store the jar in a dark cupboard, shaking once every day until the sugar has all , WebMake sure you have sterilised your jar properly. Give the jar a swirl every day until the sugar has fully dissolved. height: auto; I froze the rest of the damsons so I can get another batch going out of season, with the amount of gin and sugar required written on the freezer label; with both sloes and damsons freezing them and then defrosting them will split the skins, meaning you dont have to bother pricking them all with a pin. The recipe can , See Also: homemade damson gin recipeShow details, WebThis home-made Damson Gin liqueur is so easy to make and tastes delicious. Line a plastic sieve with a square of muslin (or use a coffee filter in a cone for a really refined gin) and strain the damson gin through it. filter: alpha(opacity=80) !important; */ } Learn how your comment data is processed. Add the soy sauce and four or five tablespoons of water, followed by the damsons, and simmer, stirring occasionally, for four to five minutes, until the fruit is tender and you can easily crush it with a wooden spoon. if you are new to my classes, you will need to fill in a parq (physical readiness questionnaire) & informed consent form before participating in any class. 9 hours ago Wash damsons well and discard any bad or bruised fruit. a.pinit-button { After three months (I'm sure to mark my calendar!) Store the jar in a dark cupboard, shaking once every day until . We spent a chilly afternoon sitting around the kitchen table pricking the funny little purple berries all over with a pin before storing them away in the larder in big kilner jars with sugar and a bottle of the cheapest gin we could find, to be shaken up periodically for three months up until it was time to decant. Photograph: Colin Campbell for the Guardian. If you are planning to drink this after 3 months, have a nip afetr a month, and top up with sugar to taste. Some people prefer a much sweeter, more syrupy damson gin and add more sugar. You can use any kind of gin in this recipe. Ideally use freshly picked ripe damsons. You see, usually for sloes (ignore this for Damsons, theyre plums so a totally different fruit) and gin making you have to wait for the first frost. 550g of fresh damsons Alternatively, serve it neat either in a liqueur glass or in a tumbler over ice. Leave in a dark, cool place and shake up every few days until all of the sugar is dissolved. I was standing over our big farmhouse kitchen sink while we were still funnelling it into bottles and I remember swirling the liquid around on my tongue, being taken aback at the strength of the straight spirit (this was in the days where I just drank wine and beer at home, I was not yet old enough to order my own gin and lemonade up the pub), but loving both the fruity, unique and rich taste. Having made an excellent Blackberry Gin and Plum Gin in August, I started to wonder if there are any other seasonal fruit that I could use to make flavoured gin. The gin does not have to be the most expensive, a decent mid-range bottle will do fine. Orecchiette with Corn, Basil, and Pine Nuts, Grilled Lamb Chops with Curry, Apple and Raisin Sauce, Pan fried hake, white bean & chorizo broth, Cape Breton Blueberry Cake (milk/egg substitute incl. Rinse and pick over the damsons to remove any leaves and stalks, then pat dry, tip into a freezer bag and freeze overnight. .synved-social-resolution-normal { However, no store bought sloe gin Ive ever tried ever has that finish, that little bit extra in flavour that a homemade version brings to the table. Wash the damsons. The Italian American an Amaro Montenegro Cocktail, Drambuie Cocktail for Burns Night: the Coffee Crme, Cheese Savoury Recipe for Afternoon Tea Sandwiches, Minced Beef and Onion Pie (Shortcrust Pastry), Triple Chocolate Layer Cake with Marshmallow Frosting. Decant the liqueur from the plums after 3 months and bottle. 1.5kg Damsons (prepared as above) 1.2kg of Sugar; 3.9 litres of Water; 1/2 tsp Acid Blend; 1 tsp Yeast Nutrient; 1 tsp Pectic Enzyme; 1 Campden , 2019-02-01 DAMSON GIN 2019-02-01 - I have always credited British celebrity chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall for introducing Kiwi palates to damson gin on his TV show River , 2020-06-08 Tasty Wild Food And Foraging Blog From Dorset Based Bushcraft Company Down To Earth, 2021-09-06 Put all ingredients (except the vanilla) into a large jar and secure the lid. Shake the jar gently several times a day for the next 3-4 days until the sugar has fully dissolved then , INGREDIENTS FOR DAMSON GIN 550g of fresh damsons 250g of granulated sugar 1L of gin. The next day, bash the bag of damsons a couple of times with a rolling pin and then tip the lot into a 2-litre Kilner jar, or divide between 2 smaller jars. Recipe. Share on facebook. Search, save and sort your favourite recipes and view them offline. } Makes 1 demijohn/4.5 litres/6 bottles/1 gallon. This can be time consuming; I like to do this in front of the television. Try your hand at boozy damson jam or some chocolates. When they start to arrive around the end of August, they put themselves forth in profusion, weighing down the branches like great purple gems. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); You can get sloe gin in the supermarket, actually. Leave in a dark, cool place and shake up every few days until all of the sugar is dissolved. You can Prep 10 mins Cook 30 mins. All of these components are present in this recipe too but there are a couple of additions: Ive used a mix of white and demerara sugar to add depth and complexity to the overall flavour. 1. Down To Earth Foods Ltd : SELKIRK 2016. Give the jar a swirl every day until the sugar has , WebMethod. Dont add too much at a time; as Im sure you know, you cant take the sugar out if its too sweet! 3+. Easy Step by Step Instructions on how to make Damson Gin. ); capturing the essence of natural flavours. box-shadow: none !important; Wash the ripe damsons and gently prick each one with a fork. These tiny fruit make such an irresistible liqueur that overnight guests have actually turned down Dannys famous cooked breakfast, and gone back to bed to sleep off the excesses of the night before. So simple to make, but like that jar of Sloe Gin in the cupboard, so tempting to taste. Always open sugar bags over the sink as sugar tends to get caught in the folds at the top of the bag. Share on whatsapp. Remove stems from the fruits and prick with a fork to , 2021-11-15 Top up with the gin. Prick every single one all over with a sharp needle. mine also is very bitter this year! The gin must cover the top of the damsons. You will need to shake the damsons gently to help the liquid seep to the bottom. Now, I know those of you who have made Sloe Gin before will be jumping up and down questioning why the hell Ive started making it already this year. Wild damsons are a beautiful rich dark colour. 300g of damsons, ripe, washed 150g of sugar 600ml of gin print recipe shopping List Equipment 1l Kilner jar Method 1 Wash the ripe damsons and gently prick each one with a fork 2 Place the damsons into a clean 1l jar along with the sugar and gin. Recipe. Oh how I love this recipe! They grow in hedgerows throughout the UK and are ready to harvest around late August through to October. Of all the wild fruits that start to become available as summer segues into autumn, damsons are perhaps the easiest to love. After six months, strain the liquid through several layers of muslin, then bottle and seal tightly. These tiny fruit make such an irresistible liqueur that overnight guests have actually turned down Dannys famous cooked breakfast, and gone back to bed to sleep off the excesses of the night before. Our recipes include damson gin, damson jam, spiced cheese, damson crumble and more. 3 cups (750ml) vodka or gin. Sloebushes have very noticeable sharp thorns and wild damson trees do not. This recipe comes from Liz Neville, a virtuoso preserves maker with whom Pam ran the River Cottage Preserve Making courses with. I find making my own very satisfying as you get a premium product at a low price. only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx), My name is Joanna and I am an enthusiastic home cook based in the Cotswolds in south-west England. This recipe comes from Liz Neville, a virtuoso preserves maker with whom Pam ran the River Cottage Preserve Making courses with. Sugar quantities and timings vary between recipes. Jamie oliver, the river cottage, and the bbc. By Christmas the damson gin will be superb, and ready to savour with friends. } Top Tip! } $(obj).find('span').text(response); You are really lucky to have some quinces they are pretty hard to get hold of! A cure all. cookie policy You can. 2012-09-13 Clean out your chosen container and put the sugar in the bottom. Bring to asimmer and cook gently, stirring regularly, for 10-15 minutes, until the fruit has collapsed and thestones have come free. We strain and bottle after a year. border-bottom: 0 !important; Sample the damson gin from your jar now and then, when you are happy with the result, strain through a muslin cloth and re-bottle the damson gin. The idea of making our own alcoholic drinks excited me in a way it would any teenager and I will never forget my first sip of the sweet, rich and strong liquid from a little port glass we had out for sampling. if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} I have a more traditional recipe that I will post soon. Screw the lid down tight and give it a good shake. Most of it that is it is possible that some might disappear before then.. Beautiful and delicious in lots of ways. Freezing the damsons and then bashing them will help release the juice and is far less of a faff than pricking each one with a fork. Make sure you have sterilised your jar properly. Vanilla Simple Syrup. Cork or seal your bottle and store in a dark cupboard. This damson gin liqueur is well worth the effort for many reasons: Most damson gin recipes require just 3 ingredients fruit, sugar and gin. 1 stick fresh vanilla. Flavoured gins also keep for a very long time so if you make a batch in late summer or autumn, you can be sipping it all through the winter. In recent posts these are all clearly marked with *. e.preventDefault(); You need damsons; gin; caster sugar; almonds. This article was edited on 20 September 2012. Line a plastic sieve with a square of muslin (or use a coffee filter in a cone for a really refined vodka) and strain the damson gin through it. After the first frost, and only after the first frost are the sloes ready. Whilst wild-foraged damsons are sometimes hard to find there are an estimated 30 wild plum tress to every wild damson they are now available in store, at Down To Earth, Selkirk. } When it is just boiling, pour the sugar water over the , WebPrepare your damsons beforehand by soaking or washing them in cold water. It was unbelievably good. document.write(' '); Your email address will not be published. It is also a great way of using an over-supply of seasonal produce. Rinse and pick over the damsons to remove any leaves and stalks, then pat dry, tip into a freezer bag and freeze overnight. Its an easy recipe that takes mere minutes to assemble, but it does need patience as the fruit and gin must infuse for several months before it is ready to consume. 1.5kg damsons, destemmed, destoned and frozen; 0.5kg sultanas, left whole 1.25kg sugar; , Method. Failing that, frozen fruit can be substituted. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. At the same time cook the stones in a separate medium sized pan with 20 mls of water for 20 . Home-made Damson Gin liqueur is probably my favourite of all the flavoured gins that I make. All content is 2014-2022 Jane Saunders & This recipe for cordial is based on one by Pam Corbin of River Cottage Fame. This will remove any creepy crawlies or dirt that may remain on the fruit. If you make it in September when damsons are in season, you can enjoy drinking it at Christmas and New Year! Keep your empty gin bottle to decant your damson gin back into the bottle theres nothing worse than scrambling around for a bottle when your are ready to strain and decant! Store the jar in a dark cupboard, shaking once every day until the sugar has all dissolved. Beat the cheese with a wooden spoon until smooth (if using an unsalted goat's cheese, add a pinch of salt). Strain the contents through a straining bag into another clean, large pan or sterilised bucket (then . Measure the pure by volume. Put the damsons in a large preserving pan, add a couple of tablespoons of water and bring slowly to a simmer, stirring as the fruit begins to release its juices. Leave to , WebMethod Put the sloes in a 1-litre Kilner jar, pour over the sugar and the gin, close the lid and shake. Strain the gin into a sterilised bottle through a muslin cloth held in a funnel and discard the fruit. Method. Prick fruit several times with a fork and place damsons in either a large. This has been corrected. Prick each damson several times with a pin, then transfer to a large, clean Kilner jar, demijohn or other suitable glass container with a tight-fitting lid or stopper. To make the sauce, put the damsonsin a pan with 200ml water. There are lots of flavoured gin liqueurs available in the shops now. 1. We are also starting experimenting with sloe gin see this post for details, Thanks for the recipe. Loved this recipe? Leave it for a minimum of three to four months, testing every month or so to see if a little more sugar is required. As long as you have access to a ladder, they are extremely easy to gather. I love the idea that it just keeps giving for months! In my local greengrocer, I spotted some damsons small, dark purple sour plums which cannot be eaten raw but need to be cooked (with sugar) to bring out their flavour. Yes you can. To be honest its pretty easy, your damson gin will be naturally clear and a beautiful rich colour, it wouldnt be the first time that Ive poured it straight into a jug then directly into a hip-flask! Tip up the bird, pour any fat or juices out of the cavity into the roasting tin, and transfer the duck toa warmed plate to rest. I hadnt seen them for years but they immediately brought back memories as my mother had a prolific damson tree in her garden. 432 Ladkrabang Soi3, Ladkrabang. It is the perfect way to use seasonal fruit and flowers, at a time when there is often an over-supply, and preserve the wonderful flavour to enjoy later in the year. Serves five to six. Decant into clean, dry bottles, seal and label. } Decant into clean, dry bottles, seal and label. Store in a dark cupboard, shaking once every day until the sugar has all dissolved. Recipe Chorizo Take the frozen sloes, and roughly half fill a bottle or jar that has a well-fitting lid. Press the damsons against the sides of the pan as they cook to help the fruit release their stones. So, when you require the ebook swiftly, you can straight get it. Store in a dark cupboard, shaking once every day until the sugar has all dissolved. They make glorious crumbles and cobblers, fabulous ice-creams and sorbets, and a sophisticated, wine-dark jam that is one of the finest things you'll ever get out of a preserving pan. It's not hard, either: just simmer 2kg damsons with 800ml water until soft, scoop out the stones with a slotted spoon, add 2.3kg sugar, stir to dissolve, boil for 10 minutes then test for the setting point. Usually no extra sugar is needed. Try a decadently rich Damson Crumble, some people even boil up into jams or preserves, but for me, Im just delighted to sample the Damson Gin! Put the damsons in a small, ovenproof dish and roast in the oven for the last 30 minutes of the duck's cooking time, to soften them. Place them in a large wide pan with the water and simmer gently until the fruit is soft. The flavour matures and improves over time. Easy to make and an excellent treat for the summer. Put the sugar and half the water into a pan and begin to heat to a boil. Method. However, they are excellent in a range of cooked dishes such as jams and preserves or fruit pies when their sourness is balanced by sugar. Any decent quality London Dry Gin works well, but I do enjoy using, For a classic damson gin leave out the star anise, clove, vanilla and orange peel, Once the 12 weeks are up taste the damson gin if you would like it sweeter, now is the time to add a little more sugar (shake it every few hours until dissolved), Use sloes instead of damsons to make a sloe gin liqueur. The flavour matures and improves over time. At the end of that time, the gin is ready to drink! Make your own damson gin by infusing the gin, fruit and sugar together. Some people strain the grog (through muslin/jelly bag) after 3 months and bottle it, leaving it mature for six months. Simple. Pour in the sugar and gin, and put the lid on. Wild Damson Gin and sloe gin Recipes Recipe Type: Liqueurs Prep time: 15 mins Total time: 15 mins Ingredients Wild damson gin: 1lb/454gm of washed wild damsons 6 ozs/168gm of white granulated sugar 75cl bottle of medium quality gin Sterilised 1 litre (at least) Le Parfait jar or wide necked bottle with stopper/cork Sloe Gin: Ingredients. Top Tip! Its ruby red colour and sweet-sour flavour makes it the perfect winter drink! Of muslin, then bottle and store in a dark cupboard, once! And do I need more sugar late August through to October ask permission before using any images or.. For details, Thanks for the recipe or dirt that may remain on the fruit release their damson gin recipe river cottage. All the wild fruits that start to become available as summer segues into autumn, are... 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